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Sanitising Commercial Freezers – What Are You Missing?

Sanitising Commercial Freezers – What Are You Missing?

Sanitising commercial freezers is an essential task, but not necessarily an enjoyable one. It can throw your typical working practices into disarray and divert time and effort from your workforce.

However, commercial freezer sanitation needs to be carried out on a regular basis to keep your commercial freezer hygienically clean and free from germs that could endanger public health outbreaks.

But sanitising commercial freezers isn’t like scrubbing out your freezer at home once a year. The risk of not thoroughly cleaning your commercial freezer is higher, with higher usage and higher dependency, the process of commercial freezer sanitisation is more in-depth too.

The obvious element of sanitising commercial freezers is scrubbing the walls, floors and ceiling of the freezer. By the time you’ve finished, you’ll probably have had quite enough of scrubbing and cleaning, but there is more to sanitising commercial freezers, and these elements, you can’t afford to neglect.

Here are a few of the areas most commonly neglected by hotels, restaurants, retailers and wholesalers when they clean their commercial freezers.

1. The condensing coil

This should be cleaned twice a year using an industrial vacuum and a wet cloth. Make sure you get into all of the nooks and crannies of the coil, using the vacuum’s blow setting to blast out any hard to reach dirt and grime.

2. The evaporator coil

The evaporator coil builds up sediment over time that needs to be removed. You’ll require a specific evaporator cleaning fluid for this part. Remove the bottom pan of the evaporator coil and clean it carefully following the directions on the bottle of your cleaning fluid.

3. Drain lines

These can get pretty clogged up and can be difficult to unblock due to their enclosed nature. The right brushes and equipment can be costly but can also save you hours on this essential task.

4. Door gaskets or seals

Make sure you thoroughly clean the door gaskets and seals. Use a soft cloth with a gentle cleaning solution. Once you’ve cleaned the seals, apply a vinyl preservative to help keep your door seals lasting longer and optimise the efficiency of your commercial freezer.

Of course, the hire or purchase of specialist equipment and chemicals such as the industrial vacuum cleaner, brushes for drain lines, and vinyl preservative quickly adds up. When you throw the need to minimise downtime of your commercial freezer into the mix, and the allocation of staff to clean the unit, it can become costly and demanding.

Calling in the experts means that you don’t have to worry about investing in equipment and chemicals. Rainbow, Leicestershire have a team of specialists that deal with sanitising commercial freezers. Dealing with this type of task regularly means they are adept at getting to the dust and grime that commercial freezers collect, quickly and efficiently. It also means that you don’t have to make staff available for the cleaning, and therefore, where possible, cleaning can be carried out around the key hours that your commercial freezer is needed, minimising disruption to your business.

To book Rainbow Leicestershire for the sanitising of commercial freezers, call today on call 01664 563311.
